Environmental pollution is a problem that affects the health of millions of people around the world. According to the World Health Organisation, approximately 12.6 million people die each year as a result. Air, water, soil and food pollution can cause respiratory, cardiovascular, allergic, neurological and cancer diseases, among others.
To take care of your health and the environment, here are some tips you can follow:
- Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes and domestic combustion sources. Wear masks or face masks when you go outside, especially if there are alerts for poor air quality.
- Reduce your consumption of meat and dairy products; you will help reduce methane emissions from livestock. Prefer organic, local and seasonal foods that are free of pesticides and artificial preservatives.
- Compost organic waste and recycle inorganic waste. This will prevent it from accumulating in landfills and generating toxic gases. You can also reuse or donate items you no longer use, instead of throwing them away.
- Switch to high-efficiency home heating systems and equipment. Save energy; turn off lights and electronics when not in use. Use energy-saving light bulbs and solar panels, if possible.
- Walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible. This will reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve your cardiovascular health. If you must use your car, carpool or choose an electric or hybrid car.
- Avoid or reduce exposure to polluted air, especially on days with high levels of fine particles or ozone.
- Use face masks or nasal filters when outdoors in heavily polluted areas.
- Adequately ventilate indoor spaces and use air purifiers if possible.
- Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and antioxidants, which can help prevent or mitigate the effects of pollution on the body.
- Engage in moderate physical exercise, preferably in places with good air quality, as it improves lung and cardiovascular capacity.
- Support initiatives that promote the reduction of polluting emissions, such as using public transport, cycling or walking, saving energy, consuming environmentally friendly products and recycling.
Aguilar, A. L. (2023, August 9). How does pollution affect human health? MAPFRE Peru. https://www.mapfre.com.pe/viviendo-en-confianza/salud/como-afecta-contaminacion-salud-humana/.
de SaludOnNet, E. M. (2017, November 28). How does air pollution affect health? SaludOnNet Blog; SaludOnNet. https://www.saludonnet.com/blog/como-afecta-la-contaminacion-del-aire-a-la-salud/.
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