Environmental education for sustainable development is an educational process that seeks to form citizens who are aware, critical and committed to caring for the environment and the well-being of present and future generations. Environmental education for sustainable development has the following objectives:
- To promote knowledge and understanding of environmental problems and their causes and consequences.
- To develop the skills and attitudes necessary to participate in the prevention and solution of environmental problems.
- To promote the values and ethics that underpin respect and responsibility towards the environment and society.
- Stimulate creativity and innovation to generate alternatives for sustainable development.
- Facilitate cooperation and solidarity between the different social and institutional actors involved in sustainable development.
Environmental education for sustainable development is important because it contributes to:
- Improving the quality of life of individuals and communities.
- Conserve and restore the diversity and integrity of ecosystems.
- Reducing and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change and other environmental phenomena.
- Strengthen democracy and environmental citizenship.
- Promote equity and social and environmental justice.
Irrigation and Renewables (2023). Irrigation and Renewables; Irrigation and Renewables | Ecology | Movement | Recycling. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from https://congresoregadiosyrenovables.es/educacion-ambiental-para-el-desarrollo-sustentable/.
The importance of environmental education for sustainable development (2024). Bing. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from https://bing.com/search?q=La+importance+of+environmental+education+for+sustainable+development....
Keywords: environmental education, sustainable development, ecosystem approach, climate change, citizen participation, quality of life.
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