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Artificial intelligence has a much greater positive environmental impact than previously thought.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that makes it possible to create systems capable of learning, reasoning and solving problems. However, it also has an environmental impact that should not be ignored. According to some studies, training a single AI model can generate an amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions similar to that of five cars over its lifetime. This is due to the high energy consumption of the computers and data centres that process the data needed for machine learning.

However, AI can also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the technology sector and combating climate change, if used responsibly and sustainably. Some of the applications of AI that can help the environment include:

- Creating more accurate and efficient climate models to predict and mitigate the effects of global warming.

- Detecting and monitoring extreme events, such as droughts, fires, floods or hurricanes, and alerting vulnerable populations.

- Measure and track the source and impact of carbon, and offer solutions to reduce emissions and offset footprints.

- Optimise the use of natural resources, such as water, energy or land, and promote efficiency and savings.

- Protect biodiversity and ecosystems by analysing images, sounds and data on flora and fauna, and identifying threats and opportunities.

In conclusion, AI generates pollution, but it can also be an ally for the care of the planet, if applied with ethical, social and environmental criteria.

source: Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

Keywords: artificial intelligence, environmental impact, CO2 emissions, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning


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