Pollution is a serious problem that affects people's health and the environment. To survive pollution, it is important to take steps to reduce our exposure to pollutants and strengthen our respiratory and immune systems. Some exercises that can help us are:
- Deep breathing exercises: These consist of inhaling and exhaling slowly through the nose, filling and emptying the lungs completely. These exercises improve lung capacity, blood oxygenation and stress control.
- Aerobic exercises: These are exercises that increase heart rate and breathing, such as walking, running, swimming, jumping or dancing. These exercises improve circulation, endurance and the elimination of toxins.
- Strength exercises: Exercises that work the muscles, bones and joints, such as weight lifting, push-ups, squats or sit-ups. These exercises improve posture, strength and bone density.
- Stretching exercises: These are exercises that lengthen and relax muscles, tendons and ligaments, such as yoga, pilates or tai chi. These exercises improve flexibility, balance and coordination.
To perform these exercises, it is advisable to follow some precautions, such as:
- Avoid exercising outdoors when pollution levels are high or when there are environmental alerts. In this case, you can choose to exercise indoors, in ventilated places or places with air filters.
- Avoid exercising at times of heavy traffic, near sources of pollution or on streets with tall buildings that trap dirty air. Choose greener places, such as parks, forests or beaches.
- Wear a mask or scarf that covers your nose and mouth to filter the air you breathe. You can choose a special sports mask with a good fit and an exhalation valve.
- Hydrate well before, during and after exercise to keep the body hydrated and facilitate the elimination of mucus and toxins.
- Consult a physician before starting an exercise programme, especially if you have any respiratory, cardiac or chronic disease. Your doctor can advise you on the type, intensity and duration of exercise that is best for you.
Here are some of the exercises and recommendations for surviving pollution.
BBC News World (2019, April 7). Practical tips to protect yourself from pollution in your city. BBC. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-47803335
Ruibal, B. (2017, June 20). Pollution and physical exercise. Training World. https://mundoentrenamiento.com/contaminacion-y-ejercicio-fisico/.
Valladolid, E. G. (2023, September 1). Game to reduce pollution at home and save energy. Planesconhijos.com. https://planesconhijos.com/en-casa-con-ninos/juego-para-reducir-la-contaminacion-en-casa/.
10 Activities for a planet without air pollution. (2019, May 31). Fundesplai Món Escolar; Fundesplai - Món Escolar. https://escoles.fundesplai.org/es/blog-es/educacion-ambiental/10-actividades-para-un-planeta-sin-contaminacion-atmosferica/.
Word: exercises, pollution, health, breathing, lungs, air, oxygen, toxins, prevention, mask, hydration, doctor, prevention, prevention, prevention of toxins, prevention,
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